Saturday, January 4, 2014

Just call me Miss Megan


Ok. This is the year of change. This is the year I begin student teaching. This is what I've been preparing for my entire college career.

I'm ready. (Nope, no I'm not.)

It's Saturday and I'm in bed, cuddling my dog and panicking about what Monday brings.

Monday begins my first 9 weeks of student teaching.

I'm ok.

I know that I can accomplish great things. I trust myself to finish out this credentialing program.

I'm still panicking.

Alright, now instead of rambling on for the next 40 or so lines I'm just going to explain my first placement.

Second Grade.

My master teacher is a wonderful woman who has been teaching 10+ years. She is gracious and is great at what she does. He classroom management is impeccable and the students all love her. I have had the privilege of helping out from time to time. I know the students and the students know me.

Her classroom is messy and fun. It is bright and welcoming.

Her classroom is exactly what I would want mine to look like.

***I'm assuming all of my readers will either already be teachers or will be aspiring to become one.***

Therefore, it's safe to say that we've all had teachers that have inspired us and teachers that we will never forget.

She is one of them.

 My boyfriend's mom got me this cute teacher mug. 
"Teachers are a gift, they touch our hearts forever."
This is a preview of my master teacher's classroom. 
Obviously, more to come.

Wish me luck, 


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